A perfect example of this is sudoers privileges. You can give specific root-type abilities to users or groups of users in the
file. Another example of this is when you make a certain folder owned by a specific group and have people write to it as *themselves.thatGroup
. You want to use
to add a new group to a user, but the problem is that when you use -G
to add additional groups, it takes the list that you give it and erases whatever was on the list before. The solution is to add -a
for append like this: usermod -G groupname -a username
Now your user won't lose any of the old groups s/he had, but s/he will get the new one that they need.
*NB: There are a couple of notations for username and groupname for ownership on *Nix. One is
. The other is username:groupname
They are often interchangeable on a single OS or distro, but sometimes you can only use one or the other for commands like chown